What does blogging mean to me?
The granola tagged me with this, so here it is.
1. Are you happy/satisfied with your blog’s content and look?
The content I am happy with, or maybe saying that it makes me happy to write the content is more accurate. As for the look…no I am not happy with that. I am not well enough versed in the art of computer graphics to make my blog look the way I would like it to. Blogger doesn’t have enough choices for me. I would also like to figure out how to add pics and links to my blog. As for the sidebars…they are pretty much nonexistent except for the stuff that Blogger puts there. Again, I need to spend some time and learn how to do it all.
2. Does your family know about your blog?
Define family… My husband, who has never yet read my blog, knows about it. My three daughters are the only ones who have ever visited and left comments. I have not told my siblings or my father about it. I guess I should. Maybe I will. Someday.
3. Do you feel embarrassed to let your friends know about your blog? Do you feel it is a private thing?
It’s never come up. I started my blog as a way to send some of my poetry out into the world, but it has turned into a sort of memoir. I take some risks in what I write in my blog, talk about things that have left a deep impression on me that some people I know would be uncomfortable talking about.
4. Did blogging cause positive changes in your thoughts?
Yes. I have found an authentic voice…one that is my own. It has opened the door to memories I thought I had lost forever. Reading other people’s blogs has opened my mind, has given me insight into other points of view, and sparked my desire to write.
5. Do you only open the blogs of those who comment on your blog or do you love to go and discover more on your own?
I was reading the blogs of those who commented on mine before I had a blog, except for my youngest daughter. I bugged her until she started a blog of her own. I love to read blogs. I usually use one of Granola’s blogs as a jumping off place. She has great blog rolls.
6. What does a visitor counter mean to you? Do you like having one on your blog?
I like having a counter on my eBay auctions. I don’t have one on my blog. I would like that. I just need to be more of a techno babe.
10. Does criticism annoy you or do you feel it’s a normal thing?
Depends on how it’s done. It’s a frequent thing in the world, but it’s only helpful if it’s done right. Never had any on my blog, so I couldn’t say how I feel about it related to blogging.
11. Do you fear some political blogs and avoid them?
No. I am one of the least political people on the planet and I don’t go to political blogs because they don’t interest me. I am not afraid of politics. Several members of my family are very political, including my dear husband. I just get uncomfortable when they rant.
12. Were you shocked by the arrest of some bloggers?
Seems like I heard about it on the news. I wasn’t shocked. I was shocked 10 or 15 years ago when we took classes so we could have foster kids. I had no idea what some children go through. 9/11 shocked me. It takes a lot to shock me these days. I do, however, sometimes get shocked when I walk across a synthetic carpet and touch a door handle. It’s even better when I touch another person, cuz then we are both shocked.
13. What do you think will happen to your blog after you die?
I have started writing it in my word processor, something that took me a bit to figure out. I will make a hard copy, maybe several. It is turning into my life history, a way for my children and grandchildren to know me as a person and not just a mom and grandma.
14. What do you like to hear? What song would you like to link to your blog?
Oh, wouldn’t that be fun!!! I love most music and I would want songs to match the blogs, each one pertaining in some way to theme of the blog. A lot of what I am writing now would need a my favorite rock and roll from the 50's and 60’s in the background.
15. Five bloggers to be the next victims.
I will pass on this one.
Rinda, Did you and Richard live in the Morgan City, LA area in the 70's?
Yes. Do I know you?
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